

Trade-specific Info Session Series on Innovation and Technology for the Vocational Professionals Admission Scheme (VPAS)

The Trade-specific Info Session Series on Innovation and Technology for the Vocational Professionals Admission Scheme (VPAS) promotion was ended on 27 January with a great success in Shenzhen! We were pleased to welcome a full house of engaged in-person attendees, along with a significant number of participants who joined us online.

The response was overwhelming, with a number of parents and students stayed after the seminar to enquire about various aspects of our programmes under the VPAS. It's truly encouraging to witness such enthusiasm and interest in HKIIT’s Higher Diploma programmes.

A special expression of gratitude to Mr. Adonis Cheung for generously sharing his journey as an alumnus and how his Higher Diploma Programme contributed to his successful career at LPS. Also, we extend our heartfelt thanks to Ms. Cherry Ho for sharing insights on the talent development strategies at LPS. Their contributions were genuinely valuable about the latest career development in IT industry to our entire audience.

HKIIT eagerly anticipates furthering the promotion of our 10 designated programmes under the VPAS to an expanding number of non-local students!
