

IVE IT Discipline students won big in the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2023

The Hong Kong ICT Awards steered by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (ORGIO), and organised by Hong Kong ICT industry associations and professional bodies, is an annual highlight event in HK ICT field, which is also locally espoused and internationally acclaimed brand of ICT awards. Our student swept the Gold Award, Sliver Award and Bronze Award.

Gold Award project “Dokodemo Call” developed by students from HD in Software Engineering, IVE (Sha Tin), is an AR video call solution as a remote instruction method for older people in some instances to address the issue of “Elder difficulties in operation particular electronic device”.

Sliver Award project ”Rehab-KG: Knowledge-Graph (KG) AI Rehabilitation Support Platform” developed by students from HD in Data Science and Analytics, IVE (Tsing Yi), is an Al Rehabilitation Treatment Support Platform that utilizes Knowledge Graph (KG) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies. It aims to provide better, cheaper, and more flexible rehabilitation and physical therapy services for the elderly and patients in need within the community.

Bronze Award project “Hear Inclusive” developed by students from HD in Software Engineering and AI and Mobile Applications Development, IVE (Sha Tin) is a real-time sign language translation app to help the hearing-impaired. The machine learning feature can analyse the joints of the human body to capture the skeleton to record a sign language video into the database.

Award Students were well-equipped with uptrend innovative skills and broadened their horizons through accomplishing these practical experiences.  Congratulations to the awardees and IVE IT is very honored to witness our advanced teaching and learning outcome.
