

Fostering Connections Across Boundaries: VTC Innovation and Technology Co-creation Centre & Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology Forge Greater Bay Area Academic Milestone

In a landmark initiative aiming to foster global perspectives, VTC Innovation and Technology Co-creation Centre (ITCC) joined hands with the Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology (SZIIT) to organize a pioneering programme 「深信息學生“全球視野拓展計劃培訓”」. The programme, which ran over five days from the 24th to 26th and the 30th to 31st of August, saw an unprecedented 832 students from SZIIT visit the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan) - a historic record for VTC-hosted individual college exchange visits.

This dynamic exchange and training program served dual purposes. It not only offered exchange students a platform to broaden their horizons and deepen their knowledge, but it also provided a valuable opportunity for interaction and dialogue between educators and learners from both institutions. The programme included a series of enlightening activities, such as lectures on "Hong Kong Humanities and Education" and "Hong Kong Student Innovative Thinking Practice Case Sharing." These sessions were designed to spur innovative thinking among students, encouraging them to explore new possibilities for their futures. In a further bid to enhance their learning experience, VTC facilitated visits to the most advanced technological teaching facilities. These hands-on experiences enabled the students to gain a first-hand understanding of the state of vocational and professional education in Hong Kong.

The cohort of visiting students comprised sophomores from the School of Information and Communication Technology, the School of Software Technology, and the School of Digital and Innovation Media at SZIIT. As they navigate their four-year courses at SZIIT, these students have the option of kick-starting their careers or pursuing further studies upon graduation. Interestingly, about 30% of the students expressed their intention to study in Hong Kong post-graduation from SZIIT, indicating their interest in understanding Hong Kong's educational landscape and the policies for Mainland students who wish to study and work in Hong Kong.

This exchange programme, leveraging education as a bridge, has marked significant progress in the cooperation of vocational and professional education in the Greater Bay Area. We believe that such initiatives will broaden students' perspectives, laying a solid foundation for future academic exchanges and cooperation between the two regions. By breaking barriers and building bridges, we are paving the way for a more collaborative and integrated educational future.
