IT Lab Design Competition organized by 5G Centre of China Mobile and the Association of I.T. Leaders in Education (AiTLE)
13 students from BSc (Hons) Digital Media programme of IT/LWL and IT/TM won awards in the IT Lab Design Competition (IT 實驗室創意設計孵化計畫).
The award presentation ceremony was held on 13 August 2022 at the 5G Centre of China Mobile (中國移動“聯創+”香港5G開放實驗室), Science Park (香港科學園).
The competition was organized by China Mobile and the Association of I.T. Leaders in Education (AiTLE), co-organized by InnoEdu and IVE Information Technology (IT) Discipline. BSc (Hons) Digital Media students tailor-made room design solutions to optimize the primary/ secondary school's original space with the latest new technologies. Through integrating digital media design skills and software/ hardware applications knowledge, students are capable of initiating new interactive learning and teaching experiences for primary/ secondary teachers and students and encouraging them to unleash their creativity in STEM and IT education.
中國移動香港與資訊科技教育領袖協會合辦,聯合 InnoEdu 及香港專業教育學院(李惠利分校) 共同打造「IT 實驗室創意設計孵化計畫」。是次計畫順利完成,承蒙香港專業教育學院(李惠利分校)及香港專業教育學院(屯門分校)資訊科技系「數碼媒體(榮譽)理學士學位」課程的同學及老師鼎力支持,成功為 20 間學校免費提供度身訂造 IT Lab/ STEM 室內設計方案,為師生帶來新的教學體驗,鼓勵學生在 IT Lab/ STEM 方面發揮潛能。
大會將於二零二二年八月二十三日(上午十時三十分)舉行 IT 實驗室創意設計孵化計劃結題暨頒獎禮,比賽得獎者如下:
Champion: LEUNG Yu Kei Chris Demo Video Link
1st runner up: LAU Kwun Man Demo Video Link
2nd runner up: TSANG Kwok Hei Demo Video Link
Merit: SO Ho Kwan Demo Video Link
Merit: WONG Pak Yan Zoe/ LAM Wai Sang/ FUNG Chung Pong/ CHANG Ning/ LEE Ka Ki/ LO Man Wa/ WONG Wing Yu/ TSE Pak Hin/ WONG Ho Hang Michael
時間:上午十時三十分 至 十一時三十分
香港專業教育學院(李惠利分校)及香港專業教育學院(屯門分校)資訊科技系 - 嘉賓、代表老師、得獎學生
Innoduction Group Inc Limited 代表
地點:香港科學園第 3 期 10W 3 樓 316 室
SHAPE x UWE Bristol - BSc (Hons) Digital Media Top-up Degree 特色:
UWE Bristol 於英國排行第 21^
直入第三年學士課程,最快 1 年 (全日制)/ 18 個月(兼讀制)修畢。
課程已獲資歷架構第 5 級#,學歷等同本地大學學士學位,同時獲英國認可。
扣減 NMTSS 或 CEF 資助+後,學費最低 $45,800 (全日制)/ $59,000 (兼讀制)。
Reg. No.: 252421
^ The Guardian University Guide 2021
# 有關資歷架構水平、註冊編號、有效期,以及獲資歷架構認可的好處,請瀏覽SHAPE網頁。
+ 有關資助計劃詳情及申請資格,請瀏覽 及 。
* 合資格的申請人能否被取錄需視乎申請人的學歷、學業成績、面試表現,以及課程學額供求情況。
** 持有數碼音樂及媒體高級文憑或相關學歷之畢業生,需額外修讀短期銜接單元。