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HKIIT Launch Ceremony cum ExploreFest

We are honoured to have Dr. CHOI Yuk-lin, Secretary for Education, as our Guest of Honour at today’s HKIIT Launch Ceremony. Grateful to all industry leaders present for witnessing our official announcement to academia, industry, and the public. Particularly, special thanks to Mr Raymond CHENG, Denis Yip 葉成輝, Dr. Winnie Tang (鄧淑明博士), Steve Ng, Teresa Lau and Mr Dennis KWAN who shared their valuable insights at the panel discussion session themed “Cultivate the Future of IT: Means to Foster Tomorrow’s IT Talents”. In addition, the exhibition of over 30 innovative graduation projects showcased IT students’ outstanding achievements and contributions to the field of IT. Our multimedia performance show, prepared by students and teachers of Higher Diploma in Theme Park and Theatre Creative Technology and Higher Diploma in Games and Animation also demonstrated their expertise, creativity, and professional skills. Their knowledge and innovative approach brought an unforgettable touch to today's ceremony!

Date: 13 - 14 June 2024

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