News & Events


2nd Trade-specific Information Session on Innovation and Technology for the Vocational Professionals Admission Scheme (VPAS)

The 2nd Trade-specific Information Session on Innovation and Technology for the Vocational Professionals Admission Scheme (VPAS) promotion was successfully held on 6 April in Shenzhen. We were honoured to have industry leaders from leading companies including ICBC (Asia), H3C, and ASL to share with us their valuable insights on career prospects and job opportunities in the IT sector. We also appreciated the support of the 150 parents, students, and teachers who attended the event in person, as well as the over 200 online participants. Their enthusiastic response and keen interest in our Higher Diploma Programmes under the VPAS were truly impressive. Today’s information session provided a valuable information exchange platform for mainland students interested in pursuing studies and employment in Hong Kong. In addition to offering industry insights and sharing career experiences, the session highlighted the latest skill requirements for IT professionals. HKIIT looks forward to nurturing our non-local students who enroll in our 10 designated Higher Diploma programmes under the VPAS, helping them to stay and work in Hong Kong. With the support from the Government and our industry partners, we hope to contribute to bridging the manpower gap for technicians and professional talents in the IT sector and empowering Hong Kong’s workforce.

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