IVE IT Discipline students won awards in various recent industry competitions
IVE IT Discipline students participated in various industry competitions and performed outstanding achievements in the past several months.
1. The Asia Pacific ICT Alliance Awards
The Asia Pacific ICT Alliance Awards (APICTA Awards) is an international awards program. By providing networking and product benchmarking opportunities to ICT innovators and entrepreneurs in the region, the program is designed to stimulate ICT innovation and creativity, promote economic and trade relations, facilitate technology transfer, and offer business matching opportunities via exposure to venture capitalists and investors. Our students won Merit Award in categories of Student – Tertiary Technology and Student – Tertiary Applications respectively.
Merit Award in category of Student – Tertiary Technology Project “ETBadge” developed by students from HD in Software Engineering, IVE (Tuen Mun), “ETBadge” is a digital certificate platform, which provides the function of certificate digital format storage and validation. It aims to enhance the efficiency of certificate storage and searching system, and to prevent the risk of physical storage.
Merit Award in category of Student – Tertiary Applications Project “Streaming Hub” developed by students from HD in AI and Mobile Applications Development, IVE (Sha Tin), “Streaming Hub” is an advanced live-streaming app which provides professional-grade and high-quality live shows with a streamlined workflow. It integrates with an AI engine to detect and create Gesture Control, Augmented Reality 3D Models, and Intelligent interaction.
2. 第七屆粵港澳大灣區IT 應用系統開發大賽總決賽
第七屆粵港澳大灣區IT 應用系統開發大賽總決賽set up a total of 14 competition areas in 12 cities, with more than 1,500 applicants. More than 500 projects covering 57 schools (including high schools to universities) participated and eternally 43 outstanding works were advanced to the finals. The finalists presented to showcase their outstanding development through system demonstrations and expert inquiries. Our students won 1st Prize & The Best Creative Award and 2nd Prize.
1st Prize & The Best Creative Award Project “智護全方位” developed by students from HD in Cloud and Data Centre Administration, IVE (Lee Wai Lee), “智護全方位” is a medical system which integrated the technology of AI and IoT. Based on the back-end technology support, visual signals from the monitoring lens would provide data set for system to analyze the real-time situation of elderly, and provide corresponding instant reminders and warnings. Furthermore, system provided video conference call function for emergency contact with elderly.
2nd Prize Project “雲端智能長者健康管理助手” developed by students from HD in Cloud and Data Centre Administration, IVE (Lee Wai Lee), “雲端智能長者健康管理助手” is an online medical platform providing long-term information tracking function for elderly to store plenty of medical information. Platform can integrate different medical information of elderly to generate forecast medical situations and recommendations for elderly self, their family, and medical institution. The project aims to provide quick and easy access to patients' valid and long-term medical information for further efficient medical handling.
3. Hong Kong Techathon 2023
Hong Kong Techathon 2023, an annual event for tech enthusiasts worldwide. Event includes workshops, seminars, and competitions to explore the latest technological advancements. Participants can network with industry professionals, mentors, and peers and gain invaluable insights into the tech landscape with the business solution related to ArtTech & EdTech, Fintech & Web 3.0, Healthcare & GeronTech or Smart Cities & Sustainability. Our alumni won Champion and Best Presentation Award in ArtTech & EdTech.
Champion and Best Presentation Award Project “Present AR” developed by alumni of HD in Software Engineering and AI & Mobile Applications Development, IVE (Sha Tin). “Present AR” leverages body-tracking AI through a single-lens camera to detect human posture and gestures, allowing users to interact directly with virtual graphical elements and perform lively presentations. The app also supports voice control and other natural inputs, enabling users to express themselves more naturally and smoothly.
Award Students were well-equipped with uptrend innovative skills and broadened their horizons through accomplishing these practical experiences. Congratulations to the awardees and IVE IT is very honored to witness our advanced teaching and learning outcome.